Thursday, May 21, 2009

Smart Keyword Marketing and Research

SEO software by Web CEO

, it helps give you ideas to blog about, (we all know we could use some help there), as well as suggest keywords through instant research. For a free product, WebCEO makes you wonder what the full and paid for product can do for you.

There are many keyword and marketing research products out there. And you certainly have choices, but WebCEO is well respected, with over 600,000 businesses relying on and using their keyword product.

Using WebCEO you can analyze your site using keyword checker; there is also a link popularity analyzer--pretty useful when you are gaining backlinks. We all know that Google frowns and penalizes poor, disreputable links. WebCEO keeps you from being penalized for bad backlinks.

For most of us SEO is a gigantic puzzle. Oftentimes leaving us more confused than before we started. WebCEO will take the confusion out of keyword research, search engine optimization, and back link checking.

For a short period of time, you can try out the WebCEO software by clicking on the banner below:

SEO software by Web CEO

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