I love VistaPrint! Simple as that. I've been using them for the last few years and can honestly say that I haven't had one bad experience yet. Their reproduction and printing work is flawless, and delivery is pretty punctual. Just before my mom's death, I had replied to an offer to receive 100 free postcards (plus shipping and handling). This was right on time for me, I had been seeking an inexpensive way to print some of my ScriptureCards.
For just $6.95, I was able to get one of my own ScriptureCard designs that VistaPrint turned into a professional 4x6 glossy color postcard. As you can see by the photo, I've also used VistaPrint to order business cards. They usually have some great deals on amounts of 250 business cards too. I think they have some kind of free offer going on for business cards right now where you only pay for shipping and handling.
Like I said, I've never been dissatisfied with anything I've purchased from VistaPrint in the past. They really are one of the premier online printing companies out there. I'm waiting on the T-Shirt I just ordered that also has one of my ScriptureCards on it. I figure if I want people to know about my ScriptureCards, I need as many marketing tools as I can get. And if I want to be able to afford these marketing tools on a small business person's budget, then I need to shop around for the best deals possible. VistaPrint has been providing me with all those valuable marketing tools. But best of all, they look good and they're affordable.
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