Really, you can make money online using Facebook. I should know, I'm doing it right now, even as I write this document. If you utilize Facebook properly and professionally, you can make money with it. When done c correctly and strategically, you can make money online without spending any money by creating Fan Pages on Facebook.
First create a Fan Page on Facebook. Once you create a Fan Page focus on establishing an image by using brand strategy. Brand yourself as an expert, a consultant, and not a sales person. Whatever service you offer, consistently inform your fans with discussions and new notes.
When you have something new to share, let your fans know by posting a note or creating a topic for discussion. Become interactive on your Fan Page without compromising professionalism or individuality. If you find someone else has a Fan Page on a similar product, check them out. It doesn't hurt to peek at what the competition is doing. That way you can see what is working for them and maybe incorporate some of their techniques into the marketing of your Fan Page.
Fan Pages don't cost anything to create, that's why executing a flawless, informative page is crucial to your success. Not spending the time to create a professional page can mean the difference in developing a fan base and thus not making any money.
I've created a few Fan Pages recently as an experiment. I wanted to test a theory on whether you could really make money using Facebook. My findings are conclusive: if the appropriate marketing image is created and offers periodic beneficial information to fans, could that Fan Page become profitable?
The answer is yes.
Using a healthy energy drink campaign from one of my CPA networks, I designed a graphically appealing Fan Page that promotes interactivity among fans. From time to time I open a discussion or post a note to the fans. So far the response the page has gotten has all been positive. The fans are all commenting and basically expounding the positive attributes of my campaign. They are doing all the advertising, not me.
That's the key to making money online, you don't want to create the image of selling, you want to adopt the position of being a consultant, a subject matter expert on your product or service.
Right now, my healthy energy drink Fan Page has 179 fans. They leave comments, and basically talk about how great the product is. Again, you want your fans to voluntarily say good things about your page. Don't be the comedian who laughs at his own jokes. Of those 179 fans, one of them has bought the free trial of the energy drink. Not bad, for not spending any money on advertising, and I don't even promote the page anywhere. Basically, this Fan Page is just sitting there gaining fans and making money.
Can you imagine if I actually started promoting it what would happen?
Now you can see the potential of making money using Fan Pages on Facebook. This may not be for everyone because there are some real heavy hitters in CPA marketing out there. However, if you are just getting started in CPA affiliate marketing and have decided on a niche and have a limited advertising budget, then creating a Fan Page on Facebook is an excellent no cost way to make money online.
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Hey I added a link in the post also we have to start working together a little closer.I just went thru a whole bunch of Sh8t but hopefully things will get back to normal soon :)
also send me a link on the 15th and I will donate at least 50 when I have some money on my card ;)
I'm going to hold you to your word John. Thanks for stopping by!
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