Q. Can SFI be done successfully part-time?
A. Yes, in fact, most SFI affiliates do SFI part-time. You can start your SFI business on a part-time basis without giving up your current source of income until SFI is generating the income you require. And the best part is you can continue to operate indefinitely on a part-time basis. What would you do if you were financially independent and most of your time was free to do with as you pleased? This is why so many people are flocking to SFI. And that's why we say that SFI puts the freedom back in free enterprise!
Q. How much money can I make?
A. The bottom line is you'll get out of your business what you put into it. It works...if you do. But that's the beauty of it, too; you are in control—it's up to you how far you take it. And don't forget, SFI offers the opportunity to earn residual income. This basically means that for the work you do just today, you have the potential to earn money not only for today but also for potentially years to come. To learn more about the SFI compensation plan, click HERE.
Q: Is it really possible to make a large income working at home?
A. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, the average home-based business household earns $50,250 a year. And about 20% of all home-business households earn in excess of $75,000 a year. And then there are the tax benefits; In the United States, even if your home business isn't generating a profit yet, it can put $5,000 or more in your pocket in tax write-offs. Consult your accountant to learn more about this.
Q. I don't know anything about marketing. Does SFI offer help in this area?
A. Most people are not experienced in marketing, especially on the Internet. That's why we've made it easy with specific, step-by-step marketing strategies and aids for referring customers and sponsoring new affiliates. Click HERE for more information.
SFI also provides a multitude of easy-to-use marketing aids and an extensive affiliate Training Library to teach you everything you need to know. With SFI, your business can be up and running in just hours, allowing you to earn while you learn.
You can also contact your upline and ask for help. Your sponsor and other upline members may have additional resources, such as a Team Leader co-op, that you can draw on for further growth of SFI business. Go HERE to contact your upline.
Q. Is SFI just another "get-rich-quick" scheme?
A."Get-rich-quick" is a fairy tale. If overnight riches are your dream, your odds are probably better playing the lottery than running a business—any business. We're sorry, but we won't insult your intelligence with promises of overnight wealth. That said, we've paid out many millions of dollars to our affiliates who've applied themselves. Indeed, as thousands of our affiliates will attest, there's huge money to be made in SFI, if you're willing to do the work.
Q. What are the costs involved in starting and operating an SFI business?
A. This is one of the most powerful features of SFI. It's completely free to become an SFI affiliate, and there's NEVER a requirement to purchase anything. Compare that to buying a franchise. Even a lesser-known franchise can require an investment of tens of thousands of dollars—and that's just to get started. On top of that, you'd likely have rent, labor, product costs, and much more. With SFI, you can literally "start on a shoestring." Yet, SFI's income potential is just as great if not greater than most franchises.
Of course, ANY business, to become successful, requires some sort of investment in marketing and pursuing customers. The good news with SFI is that we've developed dozens of free, almost-free, and inexpensive marketing techniques that you can get started with right away.
In other words, with SFI, you can choose to invest money OR YOU CAN INVEST TIME to build your business, making SFI one of THE most affordable and practical businesses in the world.
Q. SFI sounds too good to be true. There must be fees or a requirement to buy something, right?
A. No. There is NEVER any cost required to be an SFI affiliate. It is true that thousands of SFI affiliates DO purchase SFI products for themselves. It only makes sense, after all, to buy from "your own store"—especially those items you are already purchasing from somewhere else. Remember, however, purchasing from your own store is TOTALLY OPTIONAL and NOT a requirement to run your SFI business.
Q. How does SFI compare to similar business opportunities?
A. See for yourself; download our comparison chart.
Q. I have no experience. Can I really succeed with SFI?
A. There are no guarantees, of course, but people of every age, from every part of the world, and from every background and walk of life are making it in SFI today. SFI was designed for the "little guy"! If you have the desire, you can succeed with SFI.
Q. What kind of people make good affiliates?
A. Friendly, positive, self-motivated people with a vision of the future and who are teachable and willing to learn. No experience is necessary. If you want to be part of the Internet revolution and build an exciting, profitable, global business, you'll LOVE SFI!
Q. Is SFI a "real" business?
A. It's very real. SFI is part of a growing global industry with annual gross revenues estimated at over $100 billlion, involving major multinational corporations and tens of millions of independent business people in every country of the world.
Q. I really would like to get serious building an SFI business, but I just don't have the time. What should I do?
A. That's precisely why you should do SFI. Besides creating financial freedom, SFI has been specifically designed to create personal freedom for you so you can do all the things in life you really want to do but don't have the time for now.
Q. What kind of products does SFI have?
A. SFI's exclusive online store, TripleClicks.com, offers thousands of products and services in the following categories:
- Apparel
- Arts & Crafts
- Beauty & Fragrance
- Books
- Business
- Collectibles
- Computers
- Education
- Electronics
- Financial Services
- Food & Beverage
- Gifts & Flowers
- Health & Wellness
- Home & Garden
- Jewelry
- Live Entertainment
- Magazines
- Miscellaneous
- Movies, Music & Games
- Personal Care
- Pet Care
- Phone & Tech Services
- Real Estate
- Romance
- Sports & Outdoors
- Tools & Automotive
- Toys, Kids & Baby
- Travel
- MaxMalls
You can browse the entire TripleClicks.com product line HERE.
Q. Do I have to sell products door-to-door, make phone calls, hold parties, or attend meetings?
A. Only if you wish to. One of the greatest features of SFI is that success can be achieved using a variety of methods. You choose the methods with which YOU are comfortable, whether Internet marketing, direct mail, telemarketing, meetings, flea markets, in-home parties, or other methods. For tips on attracting customers, see this list of Customer Referral Methods.
Q. Do I have to stock and deliver products?
A. Only if you wish to. As an SFI affiliate, your customers can order everything direct from SFI through its exclusive online store, TripleClicks.com. SFI tracks your commissions and automatically sends you your commission. SFI also handles all payment processing for your customers, product shipment, customer service, returns, refunds, etc.—all at no cost to you. For tips on attracting customers, see this list of Customer Referral Methods.
Q. Is SFI a "pyramid scheme?"
A. Definitely not. In pyramid schemes, income is generated solely on the process of recruiting others into the pyramid who pay a fee to get in. Sometimes a product or service of questionable value is involved (one that is never retailed to the general public). However, generally what you're buying is the right to recruit others into the scheme. This is illegal. Also, in pyramid schemes, those who get in first and who are at the top of the pyramid win, while most everyone else loses.
In SFI, on the other hand, there is NO COST required to participate, and affiliates are paid ONLY on product movement (both at wholesale and retail)—never on recruiting. And, unlike illegal pyramids, in SFI, no matter where you're positioned in the network or when you join, you can advance to the very highest income levels and even earn more income than those above you in the network.
Q. I've tried businesses like SFI before and it didn't work for me.
A. Let's say you've just moved into a new city, and you decided to go out to eat that evening. Unfortunately, the food at the restaurant you picked turned out to be horrible. But just because of this one bad experience, you surely wouldn't swear off eating at all the other restaurants in the city, would you? Of course not! It's the same thing here. You just need to link up with the right company—a company like SFI.
Q: Isn't having a traditional job safer than going into business for myself?
A. That depends on your definition of "safe." In the United States, statistics show that out of every 100 people who start in the working world at age 20, only five will be financially independent by age 65. Undoubtedly, you want to be in that top five! Unfortunately, the odds are stacked heavily against you…unless you create an independent source of income, a business of your own that is limited only by your own desire and ability—a business like SFI.
Q: SFI is confusing to me. Is there a Web page I can access that will break it down for me?
A. Yes. We suggest you start with the simple To-Do List on your SFI homepage.
Q. What if I've got more questions about SFI?
A. See our 24/7 Help Desk HERE.
Q. What should I do next?
A. If you haven't reviewed your To-Do List at your SFI homepage, take a few moments and do so now. The actions listed there will provide you with direction, links to marketing methods and aids, training articles, and much more.
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