Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Facebook Is Growing Up

Facebook is changing. It's very true it's a growing social network. Marketers have caught on to that growth and many are scrambling looking for ways to monetize a portion of its 220 million users. Here's a tip, there is one demographic that has grown more than any other on Facebook and continues at phenomenal leaps. You'd never guess which one it is.

According to the latest Facebook demographics statistics, the 35-54 age group has accelerated to a 276.4% growth over the past six months. But, it gets better. That demo is doubling every two months.

Here is some more astonishing news. The 55+ age demographic on Facebook is also seeing some awesome growth rates. That age group is clocking in with a 194.3% growth in presence on the social networking site.

These aren't just numbers, ladies and gentlemen. Marketers know that these figures tell a story. A story that reveals where target markets are. So, Facebook represents an 'older' niche audience. An audience that is moderate to advanced internet savvy. I would say this audience is not going to respond well to ringtone offers.

The 21+ demo is still very well represented on Facebook. If your niche involves marketing alcohol related products on Facebook, the latest figures report there are 27,912,480 users 21+, and 66.3% of them represent all users. There are so many 21+ on Facebook, that its being predicted by experts that this demo will reach critical mass by the end of the first quarter.

Oh, and so you know, alcohol marketers are doing pretty well in this recessionary economy, so don't laugh.

Another nice thing about this report is that it reveals local demo statistics for Facebook users and breaks that down by age and gender. Take for instance Facebook users in Miami, Florida are the fastest growing metropolitan area in the United States at a 88.5% growth rate. Atlanta is the slowest, coming in at 6.4%--sounds like a marketing opportunity to me.

Women outnumber men on Facebook 55.7% to 42.2%. Six months ago, the college demographic (18-24) held a 53.8% share of the Facebook crowd. Now, that number shrunk to 40.8%. The assumption could be made that the college crowd doesn't want to hang out with their parents (35-54)--the burgeoning new demo.

For a more detailed version of the Facebook demographic statistics, visit


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YourEyes said...

I am one of those that help raise that percentage of the 34-54 age group...lol I am 52. Thing is my daughters are the ones that got me into it so we could communicate more with each other. So yes it is growing fast with all age groups. I feel that the younger age groups are probably percentage wise will be smaller because on a whole, the population of them is much lower as well. That needs to be taken into consideration at the same time. I like facebook it isn't that bad of a social network.


LaTease "Teasas Tips" said...

Me too Bobbi...are we friends? Look me up if not..

But you're right, I enjoy Facebook, it has lots of easy to use applications that make social networking a joy.

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting im wondering how I can put this into action over at Facebook Login do you have any ideas?

LaTease Rikard said...

@anonymous: I am sure you could if you targeted the right product to the appropriate group.