Monday, October 20, 2008

Listen First, Talk Later

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I just hung up on a very rude caller. Let me tell you the whole story.

A couple of weeks ago, as a favor to a fellow marketer, I had requested information on a traffic building offer. The company (whose name I have easily forgotten) sounded legitimate, so I agreed to let them call me.

Well, about midway through the phone call, I realized this traffic building company couldn't do anything for me. Home Business Success is doing fine all by its lonesome, primarily due to my social networking efforts, entrecard and link building.

I explained to Joseph (the name he gave me) that I had invested just $10 for a domain name, none on traffic, and had begun to make a sizable income just by blogging.

He wouldn't listen.

Instead he kept trying to over talk me on my phone...the nerve!

The point I'm trying to make is, if you are a salesman, do that, but listen to your client. How can you determine their needs if you don't know what they are? Listening is a great skill, one that many have not acquired yet. It was clear that Joseph, did not have any listening skills.

See, he could have sold me, he had my attention, I had taken a break from working, he didn't know how to take advantage of a golden opportunity.

Remember in grade school when teachers would say "silence is golden?" Well, it's true.

Listen to your clients/readers first. Then react. It makes for smoother, reciprocal communicating.


Anonymous said...

Hi LaTease,

Thanks to drop by my site and leave comments you indeed are a Top Commenter.

I agree with you about a Salesman need to Listen his prospect before than Talk, I once heard, when you are talking to your prospect you are selling but when your prospect is Talking HE is BUYING.

LaTease "Teasas Tips" said...

absolutely MBR!!